
Dubai Expo 2020 Preview A guide to the massive event that could alter the landscape of the city’s real estate market

Expo 2020 will do much more than bring millions of people to Dubai for more than six months starting next October. The event will vault the Middle East city to the front of the world stage while simultaneously giving a jolt to its real estate market. In fact, the boost is already underway. In this special Mansion Global report, we’ll take a look at how the event is poised to reinvigorate the market; look...

Who Pays the Commission to the Real Estate Agent ?

Many real estate buyers and sellers don't understand exactly who pays the real estate agent involved in the transaction. To understand who pays real estate commissions—whether it's sellers or buyers or both—first take a look at how real estate agents are paid and how they share cooperating commissions. Don't worry if you don't know how commissions work because I've had clients who didn't know, and it...

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Real Estate Agents

The longer I work as a real estate broker, the more I am convinced that my profession should do a better job of educating the public about real estate agents and brokers. Few home buyers and sellers seem to really understand how real estate agents work, or how to follow protocol, who pays us and why we do the things that we do. Ask what the public does know, and you'll hear all kinds of myths. Because...

The Top 10 Reasons to Hire a Real Estate Agent

With so much information readily available online, clients sometimes ask, "Why should we hire a real estate agent?" They wonder (and rightfully so) if they couldn't buy or sell a home through the Internet or regular marketing and advertising channels without representation, without a real estate agent. Some do fine on their own, but many don't. Here are 10 reasons why you might want to consider hiring a...

Do You Need to Work With a Real Estate Agent?

Some people, for their own reasons, don't trust real estate agents and don't really understand what an agent brings to the table that they can't do for themselves. It's an understandable reaction, as it's a polarizing subject. Agents are either despised or loved. They earn an A or an F on their closing report card – there is rarely a C on performance in this business. Some buyers and sellers could...

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