What works online?

What marketing works that doesn’t cost years of your life or thousands of dollars?

How much would you pay for 1,000 new ‘targeted people’ to come to your website each month? What return on investment would you expect from it? Maybe 3-5% of these 1000 new visitors clicking your ‘Contact us page’?

If say 5% of 1000 made a serious inquiry that’s 50 extra inquiries and if your business converts 1/3 inquiries to sales then you would have say 15 new sales that month, and 15 new customers.

Depends of course on what you are selling, if you sell plastic writing pens and your average order value is $1 then nope it’s not going to be worth it. But; if your average is more than say 1,000 USD, then yes most likely.

With close to 800 million websites out there now, how are you going to get this traffic?

Will you try P.P.C. (Pay per Click) Advertising from Google? You may find it’s like $10 for a click especially for a decent searched keyword, the higher the search volume, the more the click costs.

Regardless of how targeted Google P.P.C. says it is, you will need a professional landing page with years of experience in A+B Split testing to get the client down the payment funnel to the last page where they pay online or book an appointment with you. Professional online marketers get about ten percent sales ratios to visitors who are sent down their sales funnel so at $10 a click you are already $100 for a customer via P.P.C..

To get 1,000 targeted visitors for the 15 new customers via P.P.C. in this example, you are looking at 10,000 U.S.D spend first! So your Average order value needs to be over $1,000 especially when you consider you need to pay staff because if you don’t have a professional website team, then you could be very badly out of pocket!

Social media works, but what they don’t tell you it’s mostly branding, as in you need to be active on Facebook and Twitter for years to be trusted and for you to develop a trusted brand image. If you have a profile on LinkedIn, you know it’s a good platform to find business, but it is not without their chancers and spammers who think that everyone is open to a blatant;

“Hi thanks for connecting, whenever you want beating up at our Judo club let me know” message.

You could send 500 of these messages Via LinkedIn, which will take a week and you will be lucky to get one email back.

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